
The Kozyavkin Method as the Standard For Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation
The Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates has defined the INRS System (Professor Kozyavkin Method) as the basic rehabilitation standard for patients with cerebral palsy in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Since 2017, Professor Kozyavkin Method has...

Practical course for medical specialists from CMRC
From 5 to 20 August was held a practical training course for CMRC specialists

The Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine awarded the Professor Kozyavkin
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine awarded Professor Volodymyr Kozyavkin with the Order of the Rev. Agapitos The Unmercenary Healer of Pechersk.

The Minister of Health of Ukraine visits Truskavets
On July 4, 2022 as part of his visit to the city of Truskavets, the Minister of Health, Viktor Lyashko visited the Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic

8th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology
Professor Volodymyr Kozyavkin and neurologist, PhD, RRFS national representative of Ukraine, Taras Voloshyn were also present at the congress and took an active part in scientific panels on pediatric neurology and neurorehabilitation.