Rehabilitation Principles for Motor Dysfunctions According to Kozyavkin Method

Rehabilitation Principles for Motor Dysfunctions According to Kozyavkin Method

This book is devoted to theoretical principles of motor dysfunction rehabilitation according to Prof. Kozyavkin’s Method and reflects 17 years of experience by the staff at the Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and the International Clinic of Rehabilitation.


In English

Rehabilitation Principles for Motor Dysfunctions

Readers will be informed about fundamentals related to the organization of human movement systems and rehabilitation principles for disorders of function caused by brain lesions and, in particular, cerebral palsy. They will come to understand how this idea evolved into a fundamentally new tendency in medical treatments and will learn about the effectiveness and application of the given system of rehabilitation.

The book will be useful to child neurologists, pediatricians, specialists in medical and physical rehabilitation and students attending related academic institutions.

Kozyavkin V. I., Sak N. N., Kachmar O. O., Babadagly M. A. Principles of rehabilitation of motor dysfunctions according to Kozyavkin Method. – Lviv: scientific production company ”Ukrayinska tekhnolohiya” (Ukrainian technology), 2009.- 192p.

ІSBN: 978-966-8041-55-6

International Clinic of Rehabilitation. Truskavets’. 2009.

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