GABLE – GAmification for Better LifE

GABLE – GAmification for Better LifE

Investigation for development of the rehabilitation computer games for the children with cerebral palsy was awarded with the grant by European Commission within Framework Programmes "Horizon 2020".

Horizon 2020

The main objective of this project, named GABLE – GAmification for Better LiFE, is to launch a social platform for personalized games that would enhance the living conditions of people with Cerebral Palsy and other movement disabilities.

Partners of the  International Clinic of Rehabilitation in this project are:
•         Univercitat ROVIRA I VIRGILI, Tarragona, Spain
•         Company HUGINTECH AS, Oslo, Norway
•         Company UBITECH LIMITED,  Surray, Great Britain,

Implementation of the project had started  1 October 2016. The duration will be 3 years. Work of the Innovative Technologies Department of the  International Clinic of Rehabilitation in this project is coordinated by  Oleh Kachmar, Md, PhD, the Head of the Department.