Pediatric Balance Scale - PBS

Pediatric Balance Scale - PBS

PBS is a tool to assess a child's balance function in the context of daily tasks.

Pediatric Balance Scale - PBS

PBS is a tool with proven reliability and validity designed to assess a child's balance function in the context of daily tasks, including the ability to move around in the environment.

This scale is a modification of the Berg Balance Scale and is designed for children aged 5 to 15 years with mild to moderate balance impairments.

The test takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

The scale includes tasks of different levels of complexity that require maintaining a stable position, and/or include balancing activities that are performed with or without visual input.

The scale consists of 14 tasks. Each of them is evaluated from 0 (the lowest function) to 4 (the highest function) points, where 4 means that the child can fully complete the task. The maximum score for all tasks is 56.


  1. Sitting to standing
  2. Standing to sitting
  3. Transfers
  4. Standing unsupported
  5. Sitting unsupported
  6. Standing with eyes closed
  7. Standing with feet together
  8. Standing with one foot in front
  9. Standing on one foot
  10. Turning 360 degrees
  11. Turning to look behind
  12. Picking up object from the floor
  13. Placing alternate foot on stool
  14. Reaching forward with outstretched arm

The full English version of scale with explanations can be viewed and downloaded here.