Ukraine reopens border for foreigners

Ukraine reopens border for foreigners

On September 28, 2020, the norm in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the ban on entry of foreign citizens into the territory of Ukraine expired.

Rules of crossing the border of Ukraine as of 28 September 2020

"A decree which also set out restrictions on foreigners' entry continues to be valid. This is Government Decree No. 641. At the same time, it imposed a ban on foreigners' entry to the territory of our country precisely from August 28 and until 00:01 a.m. on September 28. Thus, as a matter of fact, this norm that banned foreigners from entering our country ceased to be in effect overnight. From now on, foreigners are allowed to enter our country," said the State Border Guard Service spokesman Andriy Demchenko.

Currently, to cross the border, foreign nationals must have an insurance policy to cover possible costs associated with COVID-19 treatment and observation (issued by an insurance company with a representative office in Ukraine).

You can read more about the conditions of crossing the border of Ukraine here:

Rules of crossing the border of Ukraine by foreign citizens