Conference “Prospects for the development of medical and physical rehabilitation at various levels of medical care”

Conference “Prospects for the development of medical and physical rehabilitation at various levels of medical care”

A national scientific conference “Prospects for the development of medical and physical rehabilitation at various levels of medical care” took place in Ternopil, Ukraine, on 9-10 October 2018.

Oles Matiushenko on the conference

The event was hosted by I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University with the support of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Department of Health of Ternopil Regional Administration.

The conference officially started with a welcome speech from TSMU rector, Professor Mykhailo Korda. President of the Ukrainian Association of Physiotherapists and Resort Therapists and deputy chairperson of the Committee on Public Health Iryna Sysoenko emphasized the importance of professional associations for the development of medical rehabilitation in Ukraine. Ms. Sysoenko also praised the International Clinic of Rehabilitation for constantly delivering high standards of care and increasing Ukraine’s international prestige.

The results of a large-scale retrospective study of the Kozyavkin Method were presented by Dr. Oleh Kachmar, head of the Department of Innovative Technologies, and Dr. Oles Matiushenko, research assistant of the Clinic. Full details of the study can be found here: