On July 7, 2022 in Kyiv the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine awarded the President of Kozyavkin Medial Group, Hero of Ukraine, academician of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Kozyavkin with the highest award of the academy - the Order of the Rev. Agapitos The Unmercenary Healer of Pechersk.
The joint team of Kozyavkin Medical Group sincerely congratulates the professor Volodymyr Kozyavkin with a high and prestigious assessment of his tireless work in the field of medicine and rehabilitation!
For reference: Rev. Agapitos The Unmercenary Healer is a famous figure of Ukrainian monasticism of the 11th century; a monk who healed physical and mental illnesses with prayer and potions and is identified as the founder of health practices in the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery.