VIII Baltic Congress on Child Neurology


VIII Baltic Congress on Child Neurology

On June 7-8, the 8th Baltic Congress on Child Neurology tool place in St. Petersburg.

Oles Matiushenko during his report on "The Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Spasticity of Muscle in Patients with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial."
Our representative on the VIII Baltic Congress on Child Neurology

Traditionally, the programme committee was chaired by the leading child neurologist of the Russian Federation, academician Valentina Guzeva.

Once again, the event served as an example of interdisciplinary approach in action, bringing together over 400 pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, geneticists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons and manual therapists.

Delegates from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan participated in the congress. Results of the scientific work of the International Clinic for Rehabilitation were presented in the report "The Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Spasticity of Muscle in Patients with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial."