Working visit to Sultanate of Oman


Working visit to Sultanate of Oman

Volodymyr Kozyavkin with a Doctors’ Team recently visited the Sultanate of Oman

During the visit
Volodymyr Kozyavkin examines the patient
Common photo

On October 6-10, 2018, at the invitation of the country’s chief rehabilitologist and the representatives of the medical tourism industry, Volodymyr Kozyavkin, N.V. Kozyavkina and M.S. Hordiyevych visited the Sultanate of Oman.

A string of working meetings were held with representatives of medical societies and a number of medical associations involved in providing assistance children with special needs in their country.

The Professor Kozyavkin Method is a highly effective technique that has been statistically confirmed, whereas the team’s long-term rehabilitation experience continues to generate interest in the Method in many countries around the world.

It should be noted that a Treatment and Rehabilitation Center using the Professor Kozyavkin Method was inaugurated in the United Arab Emirates in December 2017.