XI Ukrainian-Bavarian Symposium

XI Ukrainian-Bavarian Symposium

XI Ukrainian-Bavarian Symposium "Problems of medical and social rehabilitation of children with disability", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Ukrainian medical rehabilitation center for children with organic lesions of the nervous system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine was held in Kiev on September 29-30, 2016

XI Ukrainian-Bavarian Symposium

The symposium was organized under the auspices of the International association of children's specialists Ukraine - Bayern, Bayern - Ukraine “Nucleus”, which is co-chaired by Volodymyr Kozyavkin, Hero of Ukraine, Corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, Director of the clinics; Hubertus von Voss, director of the Institute of Social Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at LMU; and Volodymyr Martyniuk, director of the Ukrainian medical rehabilitation center for children with organic lesions of the nervous system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Symposium topics were following:

  • Implementation of the Social Pediatrics Concept (complex medical and social rehabilitation of children with disability).
  • Issues in Pediatric Neurology.
  • Experience of European Pediatric Neurological Society (EPNS) in training child neurologists.
  • Perinatology - Neuroscience.

Recent research work of the International Clinic of Rehabilitation "Quantitative methods of measuring muscle tone. The impact of spinal manipulation on spasticity" was presented by Oleh Kachmar.

Results of this study are published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine www.journalchiromed.com/article/S1556-3707(16)30013-X/fulltext.