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Volodymyr Kozyavkin with his team and Malaysian partners in front of Hospital Rehabilitasi Cheras
Professor V. Kozyavkin visits Malaysia

On 17-18 December 2019, at the invitation of the Ministry of Health of Malaysia, Professor Volodymyr Kozyavkin, President of Kozyavkin Medical Group, visited Malaysia.

A delegation from Kuwait MOH and Kozyavkin team
Visit of the delegation of the Kuwait Ministry of Health to Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic in Truskavets

Kuwait Ministry of Health is considering implementing the Professor Kozyavkin Method in Kuwait

In front of one of Dogan Jeotermal Centers
Memorandum of Cooperation with "Doğan Jeotermal Group"

On Thursday, 14 November 2019, a meeting of the representatives of Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic and the representatives of Doğan Jeotermal Group, a Turkish group of companies, took place in Turkey.

Common photo in ROMATEM
The Professor Kozyavkin Method attracted great interest in Turkey

On 5 November 2019, Professor V. Kozyavkin, CEO of Kozyavkin Medical Group, met with Dr. Köksal Holoğlu, a CEO of ROMATEM, which is the largest physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinic network in Turkey.

Dr Anna Kushnir near the brandwall of the Conference
IX Annual Conference on CP in Moscow

The IXth Scientific and Practical Conference "Cerebral Palsy and Other Disorders of Movement in Children" was held on Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, in Moscow, Russia.

M. Hordiievych during his speech on the Medical Tourism seminar
Panel discussion "Medical Tourism in Lviv Region"

On October 30, 2019 a panel discussion Medical Tourism in Lviv Region was hosted as part of the 20th TourEXPO International Exhibition held at the Lviv Palace of the Arts.

Halyna Lun, Artur Cieliński and Natalia Hrabarchuk
President of the Jerżyk Foundation visited Kozyavkin clinics in Lviv and Truskavets

On October 24-25, Mr. Artur Cieliński, the President of the Jerżyk Foundation ( assistance to children with chronic diseases) , visited the Kozyavkin Clinics in Lviv and Truskavets.

Reviewers listen the report of Anna Kushnir on medical aspects of the project
Final review of the GABLE project by European Commission experts

Final results of the research project "GABLE - GAmification for a Better LifE" were reviewed by experts of the European Commission in Luxembourg on 18 October 2019.

Clinical study “Effects of Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System in Children with Cerebral Palsy”.

In the fall of 2019, we are going to start a randomized controlled clinical trial, “Effects of Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System in Children with Cerebral Palsy”.

title of International Neurourology Journal
Changes in motor functions in children with cerebral palsy after the course of Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation: a single-blind study.

Results of our latest research were presented in the article “Changes in motor functions in children with cerebral palsy after the course of Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation: a single-blind study” in the fifth issue of the International...